Hugonauts: The Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time

Double Star - A hilarious, lighthearted book that is a perfect introduction to Robert Heinlein!

Episode Summary

Double Star is a hilarious, lighthearted read with an unforgettable main character. If you're looking for an entry point into Heinlein's work, want a classic from the golden age of sci-fi that has stood the test of time, or are just hoping for a book that doesn't take itself too seriously - this one's for you!

Episode Notes

The story is told from the first person perspective of Laurence Smith—the self-styled “The Great Lorenzo”—a down-and-out actor who spends most of his time in bars. He's approached by a space-pilot who offers him a drink and, despite some trepidation about Lorenzo’s high opinion of himself, offers him a dangerous job at a very high pay rate. One of the solar system's most important politicians has been kidnapped, and they need someone to impersonate him until he's rescued. Lorenzo is quickly pulled deeper and deeper into the conspiracy, and has to keep up the act to avoid his own death and an all-out planetary war.

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